Author Topic: LiveCode  (Read 6896 times)


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« on: October 01, 2013, 02:29:46 PM »
Saw this on the codingmonkeys forum. Finally tested it out. I think you will really like it John.

For everything but 3D stuff, it seems like the way to go. Fully cross platform and a joy to work in!
Lots of documentation, tutorial videos and written tutorials!

Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android

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Re: LiveCode
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2013, 10:08:59 PM »


* Distribute your apps with our commercial licenses

I watched a few of the demos and it looks great for someone that doesn't want to know what goes on under the covers. (where the real fun begins)

I use Basic4Android for Android apps that I would want to publish on that platform. Everything else I do uses open source tools which I know how to fix if it breaks. (or never worked right in the beginning)

Let me know what you think of LiveCode after working with it for a bit.