Since I have no way of testing it, all I can figure is to eliminate a section of code and see where the breaking point is.
The test.txt file is correct. I can only assume that it's working correctly up to that point.
So, I'd comment-out this entire block:
' OPEN "R", #1, "test.txt", 34
' FIELD #1, 4 AS A$, 4 AS B$, 8 AS C1$, 8 AS D$, 10 AS E$
' GET 1, 1
' az# = CVD(D$)
' bz! = CVS(C1$)
' cz% = CVI(B$)
' dz = CVI(A$)
' PRINT "az#="; az#
' PRINT "bz!="; bz!
' PRINT "cz%="; cz%
' PRINT "dz ="; dz
and see if it compiles end executes correctly.
Then, little by little, uncomment lines until we find the one that breaks.
I can't tell if it's a win7 issue or a 64-bit issue.