If the focus is for portability wouldn't "c" be better that stdcall?
As far as I know, in Windows, STDCALL is the default (required).
Once again, I don't see how a single piece of source code can compile as both Windows and Linux.
I must be wrong on this point, because I'm under the impression that Windows and Linux have very different requirements.
From my perspective, regarding portability, portability only exists in console mode.
As soon as GUI and the win32 API enters into the picture, there is no more portability.
So, I'm not overly concerned with portability.
The way I see it, there has to be two distinct versions: Win32 and Linux.
I must be missing something, as I see no way around it.
I can't base everything I want Bxbasic to do just on the 'C' RunTime Library.
Once I get a Linux machine up and running, I will be happy to learn what I have to, regarding the Linux API (if such a thing exists) and what it takes to get GUI working under Linux.
I have an entire section of code, that is exclusively win32 API based, that I am in the process of making into .Obj files at this time.