jwasm -elf %1.asm
ld %GCCCFL% -s -o %1.exe %1.obj -L%LIB% -lbxbasmlib -lmingw32 -lmsvcrt -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomctl32 -ladvapi32 -lwinspool -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lodbc32 -lodbccp32 -lwinmm -lcomdlg32 -limagehlp -lversion
Hey James,
Once Bxbasm is compiled, I don't want it to be dependant on Mingw, beyond that point.
With the Masm32 setup, all that was required was that the end-user install Masm32 and possibly any updates.
If I switch to JWasm, I don't want to force the end-user to also install Mingw (for the linking).
That is why I'm trying to figure a way to make the Mingw headers and libraries work with JWasm, (if you get my drift).
((On a side note (re: drizz) why do some people have to turn a simple question into a pissing contest, Jeez !?))
JWasm seems very limited in what it has available in terms of includes and libraries.
I don't want to wait for japheth to expand those items.
I'd rather do it myself, if someone else hasn't already.
I'm also working on getting the missing macros and functions incorporated, too.
That's not too hard to do, since I know what I need.
Oh, I forgot to mention,
I asked japheth about the mingw headers and libs.
He indicated that they might be made to work, but there are subtle differences between MS and Mingw.
He too suggested linking with LD if I chose to go that route.
I suppose LD.exe could always replace JWlink.exe in the final distro.
Hmm, your thoughts ?