Thanks! That is really a nice way to keep your Nimrod libraries up to date.
jrs@laptop:~/nimrod/babel-master$ ls -l
total 404
-rwxrwxr-x 1 jrs jrs 332373 Oct 6 00:13 babel
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jrs jrs 207 Oct 5 11:14 babel.babel
drwx--x--x 3 jrs jrs 4096 Oct 6 00:13 babel-master
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jrs jrs 12080 Oct 5 11:14 babel.nim
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jrs jrs 7 Oct 5 11:14 babel.nimrod.cfg
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jrs jrs 314 Oct 5 11:14 common.nim
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jrs jrs 4031 Oct 5 11:14 download.nim
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jrs jrs 1624 Oct 5 11:14 license.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jrs jrs 8680 Oct 5 11:14 packageinfo.nim
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jrs jrs 8949 Oct 5 11:14 readme.markdown
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jrs jrs 603 Oct 5 11:14 todo.markdown
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jrs jrs 1681 Oct 5 11:14 tools.nim
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jrs jrs 6503 Oct 5 11:14 version.nim
jrs@laptop:~/nimrod/babel-master$ ./babel update
Downloading package list from
jrs@laptop:~/nimrod/babel-master$ ./babel install
Installing babel-0.1.0
Building babel/babel using c backend...
config/nimrod.cfg(36, 11) Hint: added path: '/home/jrs/.babel/libs/' [Path]
Hint: used config file '/home/jrs/nimrod/config/nimrod.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: used config file '/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/babel.nimrod.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: system [Processing]
Hint: babel [Processing]
Hint: httpclient [Processing]
Hint: sockets [Processing]
Hint: os [Processing]
Hint: strutils [Processing]
Hint: parseutils [Processing]
Hint: times [Processing]
Hint: posix [Processing]
Hint: openssl [Processing]
Hint: parseurl [Processing]
Hint: strtabs [Processing]
Hint: hashes [Processing]
Hint: parseopt [Processing]
Hint: osproc [Processing]
Hint: streams [Processing]
Hint: pegs [Processing]
Hint: unicode [Processing]
Hint: tables [Processing]
Hint: math [Processing]
Hint: packageinfo [Processing]
Hint: parsecfg [Processing]
Hint: lexbase [Processing]
Hint: json [Processing]
Hint: version [Processing]
Hint: common [Processing]
Hint: tools [Processing]
Hint: download [Processing]
gcc -c -w -O3 -fno-strict-aliasing -I/home/jrs/nimrod/lib -o babel-master/nimcache/babel.o babel-master/nimcache/babel.c
gcc -o /home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/babel babel-master/nimcache/download.o babel-master/nimcache/tools.o babel-master/nimcache/common.o babel-master/nimcache/version.o babel-master/nimcache/json.o babel-master/nimcache/lexbase.o babel-master/nimcache/parsecfg.o babel-master/nimcache/packageinfo.o babel-master/nimcache/math.o babel-master/nimcache/tables.o babel-master/nimcache/unicode.o babel-master/nimcache/pegs.o babel-master/nimcache/streams.o babel-master/nimcache/osproc.o babel-master/nimcache/parseopt.o babel-master/nimcache/hashes.o babel-master/nimcache/strtabs.o babel-master/nimcache/parseurl.o babel-master/nimcache/openssl.o babel-master/nimcache/posix.o babel-master/nimcache/times.o babel-master/nimcache/parseutils.o babel-master/nimcache/strutils.o babel-master/nimcache/os.o babel-master/nimcache/sockets.o babel-master/nimcache/httpclient.o babel-master/nimcache/system.o babel-master/nimcache/babel.o -ldl -lm
Hint: operation successful (24985 lines compiled; 1.180 sec total; 42.435MB) [SuccessX]
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/tools.nim -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/tools.nim
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/readme.markdown -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/readme.markdown
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/babel.nim -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/babel.nim
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/license.txt -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/license.txt
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/babel.babel -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/babel.babel
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/babel.nimrod.cfg -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/babel.nimrod.cfg
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/babel.babel -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/babel.babel
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/packageinfo.nim -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/packageinfo.nim
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/common.nim -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/common.nim
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/todo.markdown -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/todo.markdown
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/download.nim -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/download.nim
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/version.nim -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/version.nim
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/babel -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/babel
/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/babel.babel -> /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/babel.babel
Creating symlink: /home/jrs/.babel/pkgs/babel-0.1.0/babel -> /home/jrs/.babel/bin/babel
babel installed successfully.
jrs@laptop:~/nimrod/babel-master$ ./babel --help
Usage: babel COMMAND [opts]
install [pkgname, ...] Installs a list of packages.
build Builds a package.
update [url] Updates package list. A package list URL can be optionally specified.
search pkg/tag Searches for a specified package. Search is performed by tag and by name.
list Lists all packages.
-h Print this help message.
-v Print version information.
jrs@laptop:~/nimrod/babel-master$ ./babel list
url: git:// (git)
tags: library, commandline, arguments, switches, parsing
description: Provides a complex commandline parser
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: library, commandline, sound, recycle, os
description: Too awesome procs to be included in nimrod.os module
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: web, http, framework, dsl
description: A sinatra-like web framework for Nimrod.
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: roguelike, game, library, engine, sdl, opengl, glsl
description: Wrapper of the libtcod library for the Nimrod language.
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: library, serialization, file, compression
description: File compression routines in C for iOS and Nimrod
license: Allegro 4 Giftware
url: git:// (git)
tags: game, engine, sdl
description: Simple 2D game engine for Nimrod language.
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: game, library, opengl
description: High level OpenGL-based Game Library
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: game, networking, udp
description: Wrapper for ENet UDP networking library
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: library, locale, i18n, localization, localisation, globalization
description: A simple library for localizing Nimrod applications.
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: game, opengl, wrappers, library, assorted
description: A collection of reusable modules and wrappers.
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: build, automation, sortof
description: make-like for Nimrod. Describe your builds as tasks!
license: DATWPL
url: git:// (git)
tags: library, glfw, opengl, windowing, game
description: Nimrod bindings for GLFW library.
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: library, physics, game
description: Binding for Chipmunk 6.1
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: library, glfw, opengl, windowing, game
description: A High-level GLFW 3 wrapper for the Nimrod programming language
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: library, audio
description: A libao wrapper for the Nimrod programming language
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: library, terminal, io
description: Termbox wrapper.
license: MIT
url: (hg)
tags: library, opengl, math, game
description: OpenGL math library
license: CC0
url: git:// (git)
tags: library, javascript, kde
description: KWin JavaScript API wrapper
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: library, wrapper, opencv, image, processing
description: OpenCV wrapper
license: MIT
url: git:// (git)
tags: app, binary, package, manager
description: Babel package manager
license: BSD
url: git:// (git)
tags: app, binary, ide, gtk, nimrod
description: A Nimrod IDE.
license: GPLv2
url: git:// (git)
tags: app, binary, blog, static, generator
description: Static blog generator ala Jekyll.
license: MIT
To rebuild babel:
jrs@laptop:~/nimrod/babel-master$ ./babel build
Building babel/babel using c backend...
config/nimrod.cfg(36, 11) Hint: added path: '/home/jrs/.babel/libs/' [Path]
Hint: used config file '/home/jrs/nimrod/config/nimrod.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: used config file '/home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/babel.nimrod.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: system [Processing]
Hint: babel [Processing]
Hint: httpclient [Processing]
Hint: sockets [Processing]
Hint: os [Processing]
Hint: strutils [Processing]
Hint: parseutils [Processing]
Hint: times [Processing]
Hint: posix [Processing]
Hint: openssl [Processing]
Hint: parseurl [Processing]
Hint: strtabs [Processing]
Hint: hashes [Processing]
Hint: parseopt [Processing]
Hint: osproc [Processing]
Hint: streams [Processing]
Hint: pegs [Processing]
Hint: unicode [Processing]
Hint: tables [Processing]
Hint: math [Processing]
Hint: packageinfo [Processing]
Hint: parsecfg [Processing]
Hint: lexbase [Processing]
Hint: json [Processing]
Hint: version [Processing]
Hint: common [Processing]
Hint: tools [Processing]
Hint: download [Processing]
gcc -c -w -O3 -fno-strict-aliasing -I/home/jrs/nimrod/lib -o babel-master/nimcache/babel.o babel-master/nimcache/babel.c
gcc -o /home/jrs/nimrod/babel-master/babel babel-master/nimcache/download.o babel-master/nimcache/tools.o babel-master/nimcache/common.o babel-master/nimcache/version.o babel-master/nimcache/json.o babel-master/nimcache/lexbase.o babel-master/nimcache/parsecfg.o babel-master/nimcache/packageinfo.o babel-master/nimcache/math.o babel-master/nimcache/tables.o babel-master/nimcache/unicode.o babel-master/nimcache/pegs.o babel-master/nimcache/streams.o babel-master/nimcache/osproc.o babel-master/nimcache/parseopt.o babel-master/nimcache/hashes.o babel-master/nimcache/strtabs.o babel-master/nimcache/parseurl.o babel-master/nimcache/openssl.o babel-master/nimcache/posix.o babel-master/nimcache/times.o babel-master/nimcache/parseutils.o babel-master/nimcache/strutils.o babel-master/nimcache/os.o babel-master/nimcache/sockets.o babel-master/nimcache/httpclient.o babel-master/nimcache/system.o babel-master/nimcache/babel.o -ldl -lm
Hint: operation successful (24985 lines compiled; 1.168 sec total; 42.435MB) [SuccessX]