My needs are fairly simple, access to GPIO, Analogue inputs via external a/d converter and serial comms via USB.
The latest version of FUZE Basic has a nice softPWM feature which gives the option of PWM output from any GPIO pin (think the Raspberry Pi has only one GPIO pin which can be configured as PWM). This is useful for speed controlling motors etc.
Those features should be in the current release, (as it's the same version that the fuze people initially got), but I'll check.
The working version uses my wiringPi extensions library, so to add in (say) and mcp3004 ADC, then you'd execute
wpiExtension ("mcp3004:0:200)
then you have
analogRead (200)
200 through 207, etc.
sOpen() and other serial functions ought to be there too - check the manual at
https://unicorn.drogon.net/rtb.pdf you just need to path to the serial device - /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyUSB0 or whatevre your usb serial gives.
However I've got some time early next week so will go through it all. Currently I make a Pi release and Linux x32 and x64 releases. There is a network extension that lets you control Pi GPIO pins from another Pi or generic Linux box too.
Checked back through my notes. The last version of RTB that I used was 2.20 (September 2015) but there was a version "in the works" (2.22) which I think was to include the features mentioned above (ADC,softPWM etc.)
Is this the version now available on your site?