Hey guys,
I'm not entirely new to this forum, but I will re-introduce myself and my project:
I'm Steve and beginning in 2000 I started work on Blunt Axe Basic (Bxb or Bxbasic).
Here is a link to an interview I gave regarding Bxbasic:
http://imortisoft.no-ip.org/b2b/?Issue_%234Bxb is currently an ongoing project and is always being added to.
As stated in the interview, Bxb started as a learning tool that morphed into a 16 chapter compiler design tutorial, complete with source code.
http://sites.google.com/site/bluntaxebasic/tutor/At the point where the tutorial finishes, Bxb is developed into a QuickBasic'ish (subset) interpreter and byte-code compiler.
At this date, Bxb has many advanced math functions included and also has API/GUI capabilities.
The portion of the API that is now intrinsic to Bxb is a portion of the GDI.
However, Bxb is not limited to only those portions of the API which are intrinsic (built-in).
Bxb has fully incorporated "
Dyncall" as an intrinsic component.
Dyncall, (by Daniel Adler and Tassilo Philipp) is a tool designed specifically with interpreters and scripting engines in mind so that they can dynamically access the full API and OEM DLLs.
Besides Bxbasic (the interpreter) there is also Bxbasm, which is an actual Basic compiler, that takes Bxbasic scripts and compiles to actual binaries. Bxbasm is not a byte-code compiler. It is written in C and built around Masm. It takes a script and converts it into Intel x86 Assembly Language, which is then assembled by the Masm assembler and linked directly into an executable.
I have not worked on Bxbasm in several years and despite the fact that it has a lengthy list of commands available, it is still in an early state of development.
I like Masm and the Intel syntax, that is why I chose to use that particular assembler. I have, however, gotten quite a bit of flack from the open-source community about using it. At this time I am about to embark on a project that my bring some life back to Bxbasm. I have not made a final decision of whether to continue using Masm, even though Microsoft has made it readily available for download.