Hey guys,
thanks for your input.
I guess I really
mis-spoke when I used windows as an example.
I would look at a cross platform GUI toolkit. (IUP, Gtk, Qt, ...) Using the Windows GUI API seals your fate.
Yes, no doubt.
Steve, i think that if you ever want to make bxbasic as multiplatform, you should now concencrate for something else than win api.
I said "Windows functionality" and used windows examples, when I really meant "GUI functionality".
Poor choice on my part.
If i will made crossplatform i will siriusly look into wxWigets.
I'm not real happy with wxWidgets.
1) it requires a C++ compiler, (which I do have, but I prefer plain C),
2) it requires that you
build the wxWidgets on your system,
3) I went out and bought the
wxWidgets Book on Amazon and downloaded several recent releases of wxWidgets,
4) exchanged numerous emails with support forum, but, could never get wxWidgets to build without errors.
Just give me the damn code !
Don't make me
build anything.
So there.
At this point, I'm not sure if wxWidgets uses DLLs or gives you linkable libraries.
I prefer not to use any DLLs for the GUI interface.
That's one reason I opted not to use Allegro, huge DLLs.
on a windows system, I shouldn't prevent the end-user from using Win-API simply because I they can't construct UDTs (structure), since almost all Win32 system call want a structure address passed as a parameter. The API then fills in the structure elements with the required data.
That's what I need to figure out.