For those that can't let it go and want to take it with them. I have attached the
adosbox.apk and an installed (unpacked) version of QB 4.5 that you unzip in your /sdcard/qb45 directory on your Android device. It runs very well and it can even run Doom from what I read. Touch acts as your mouse. It might be a good home for PBDOS 3.5.
FYI - If you add files (adb, ...) to your QB 4.5 directory while the aDosBox is running, you will need to restart the emulator to see the new file(s).
Note: The screen copy and reduction didn't do what this really looks like justice.
' Qbasic Mandelbrot set program
' This makes a nice rainbow palette
FOR t% = 0 TO 192
LINE (t%, 195)-(t%, 199), t%
PALETTE 193, 1973790
FOR p& = 0 TO 63 STEP 2
a% = a% + 1
PALETTE a%, 63 + 256 * p&
PALETTE a% + 32, 63 - p& + 63 * 256
PALETTE a% + 64, 256 * 63 + p& * 65536
PALETTE a% + 96, (63 - p&) * 256 + 63 * 65536
PALETTE a% + 128, p& + 65536 * 63
PALETTE a% + 160, (63 - p&) * 65536 + 63
' screen size
sx% = 320
sy% = 190
xmax = 2: ymax = 2: xmin = -3: ymin = -2
FOR y% = 0 TO sy%
FOR x% = 0 TO sx%
p = xmin + x% * (xmax - xmin) / sx%
q = ymin + y% * (ymax - ymin) / sy%
it% = 0
cx = 0: cy = 0
xn = cx * cx - cy * cy + p
yn = 2 * cx * cy + q
r = xn * xn + yn * yn
IF r > 4 OR it% > 192 THEN GOTO plt
it% = it% + 1
cx = xn: cy = yn
GOTO here
PSET (x%, y%), 1 + it%
NEXT x%: NEXT y%
Note: The pre-compiled 0.74 version of DOSBox (see examples above) that I had attached to this post has been removed. Please use the native compiled version you will find in a later post.